It was this fact that pushed his mother to take action. Nine years ago, a 5-year-old named Jordon joined the Amachi mentoring program with some simple goals to learn to tie his shoes and to listen to and obey adults, but today Jordon tells us that his mentor Calvin didn’t just teach him those things, but “how to be a man.”

Calvin became Jordon’s buddy, “his big brother” as Jordon called him when they were first matched. Friendship formed over weeks and months and Jordon got to do “guy stuff” with Calvin that his mother had always wanted him to be able to do. Today, almost a decade later, Jordon is a young teenager still walking with his mentor Calvin.

“What I like about Calvin is that he’s just positive about everything…I’ve never seen him be negative once the whole time I’ve known him.”
– Jordon

Having someone believe in him and push him means everything to Jordon and his family too.

“He makes me happy. He’s taught me how to act like a man and be responsible. He’s always pushing me to keep at it in school.”
– Jordon

As Jordon looks up to Calvin, Calvin is inspired by Jordon’s big dreams and enjoys watching him grow and mature.

“I’ve learned from walking with Jordon that I don’t always need to have the answers. I just need to be consistent.”
– Calvin

It’s this consistency that we all long for in our communities, no matter who you are. Little did Jordon know that he would come from having “no one to hang out with” to having not just a mentor but someone he can trust, that is always in his corner.